Dr G. Hotos Lab, Greece. ROTIFERS (B. plicatilis) HATCHING AND NEWBORNS

Dr G. Hotos Lab, Greece. ROTIFERS (B. plicatilis) HATCHING AND NEWBORNS

The stretching of the rotifer embryo and the hatching of the egg are shown in three episodes. It is a time consuming process and sometimes “hard”. It takes some time for the newborn rotifer to shape up and obtain full control of its movement. As it is shown, in the first after hatching moments it can be sucked by the current created by the corona region of a large female.
All rotifers in this video are amictic, that is, they come from parthenogenesis and are identical to their mother (females only).
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Dr George N. Hotos, professor. Plankton Culture Laboratory
Dept. of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I.)
of Western Greece, Messolonghi.